Leanne Akers | Accounts / Payroll
Leanne Akers
Accounts | Payroll
Leannes ability to interpret awards and being responsible for getting everyone paid on time, makes her the staff member we all idolise! And she never lets us down. Leanne is also known for having the most handsome off-sider, her dog Lewis who is often working away in the office and fortunately loves being photographed.
Leanne has worked as a Purchasing Officer for an Electronics Manufacturing company and ran the accounts for her family mechanics business before entering recruitment 11 years ago.
When Leanne is not crunching numbers, she is chipping away at her bucket list to drive around Australia and is 3/4 of the way into her goal.
Something you probably don’t know about Leanne.
Leanne studies & practices Natural Horsemanship and loves horse riding, camping and hiking.
Years in Recruitment
11+ in Recruitment